Monday, September 8, 2008

Formula for success?

I was awestruck this week by how "spot on" and I guess what I mean by "spot on" is how similar I feel to a review by Bob Boilen (the NPR guy) of a Radiohead concert in which he described their music as it "stretches time and allows the mind to wander and rejuvenate. I think of it as resetting the synapses. Creativity breeds creativity. When the music was over, I felt unboxed and changed and pretty darn happy."

I thought "man, that is such the way I feel when I listen to Radiohead"...and when I am not puking...that is the way I feel after a long run or ride.
The run allows my mind to wander and rejuvenate and to be mindful and centered...I have come up w/ the best ideas for work and family. When I finish...I feel changed and "pretty darn happy." Imagine me running and listening to Radiohead at the same's mind could explode on that juice!

Now, about my "formula for success". I have started a Cervelo fund to go towards a new time trial/tri bike for next season. Every little morsel of cash I don't spend goes into my "can". As a sign of my competing priorities on so many dimensions, Similac is my chosen sponsor for the endeavor. So if you borrow a few bucks from me and it reeks of this strange soy-milk smell...well then you know how important that dollar was to me.
I have 15 miles tomorrow morning. May the journey rejuvenate and breed creativity! Hope to see you along the way!

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