Sunday, February 8, 2009

I was going to use a Michael Phelps reference for this post….

but in light of recent events on behalf of Mr. Phelps I shall limit my degree of emulation. I have gone “dolphin” though--grown a tail and a dorsal fin and am known for making high pitch squeals under water. Not quite. But I am back in the pool and trying my best to make gains.

I have reevaluated my “stinking thinking” of the past that if I muscle through the pool and just focus on finishing “X” distance then I will make progress. I have learned that drills + patience + time will = success NOT just doing the distance. It has also been helpful to have a training partner waiting in the pool for you and to have a spouse willing to work together on child care arrangements.

I also bought a membership to an online training coach and tracking program. Yesterday was the first day of the plan and I am already hurting. But it hurts so good!

I also read an article in the new Runner’s World issue about a man using running in recovery. I think I will adopt his motto for a bit.

May I no longer run from my demons, but may I run to look them in the eye. (Caleb Daniloff. Runner’s World, March 2009)