Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Gift of Health...

It will be 2 months soon since the OBX marathon. These last two months have been the most difficult "training months" in recent memory...and I have not exercised a bit!

My family and I have been fighting every virus from pink eye to RSV. We have bought so much medication that the drug store clerk thinks we are making meth! Throw in an ambulance ride and a hospital stay and our family has had our share this season.

The lack of activity has tested my patience, my mental health, and my body differently than it ever has before. I also have added on some unwanted "lb's" to bring into the tri season--grrr!

Although, most significantly, I have been awed again by how fragile we truly are and how blessed my family and I are to have the gift of health.

May I appreciate my health and the benefits I receive from it.

...only 3 more days of penicillin and then it is on!

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